Monday, June 15, 2009

Morris Reunion 09 - June 12, 13 & 14

Tusher Lake, Beaver, Utah
Sight of our 2009 Morris Family Reunion
Keith and Ryan spent most of Saturday fishing. They caught over 30 fish, 11 of them were big enough to keep.

Ryan - Beat after a playing all day, found a cozy warm spot by the fire.

Andrew!!! Gotta love him!

Catch of the day! Nase Missy and Keith helping Keaton, Corbin and Devin prepare the fish they caught. We cooked it up on the fire, it was a great treat.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our Garden

We planted a vegetable garden last week. It took us all day. We rented a sod cutter and tiller to help us with the job. We may have never finished without those tools, We started at 8:30 in the morning and didn't finish until 10 that night. We put a brick border to help define the garden and keep out the grass, then we put a garden fence up to keep the dogs out, so far so good. Hopefully we will get lots of veggies to share.... You like zucchini right!
Keith and Dad measuring our garden, doing the math for how many border bricks we need.
One our our egg plants actually has an egg plant growing already!

Our garden

Out front we planted four rose bushes, this one, John F Kennedy, is doing GREAT! Double Delight died, Peace and Lincoln are struggling, but are still showing signs of life.